Or, seeing the world all at once.
I just returned from a 3 week safari to Kenya. Very little email or texts or to-do lists.
Just being. Just listening. Just trying to learn. Just trying to absorb the expanse of beauty, life, death, that rules the open savanna, where it truly does come down to cunning and strength. guile and the ability to outrun. We saw cheetahs eating their kill, vultures swarming over carcasses. sunsets that stretched across everywhere, birds the colors of spun kaleidoscopes, a baby elephant curl it’s trunk, giraffes spread out across the horizon, a hundred baboons cut across the earth, a purple grasshopper the size of the sun.
More. Much more.
I went with my family, which was the best part. By far. My wife Lisa, my daughters Quinn and Phoebe, Brad, my son-in-law.
We saw the infinite together, wondering how we got so dang lucky.
Sunrise on the Maasai Mara, July 5th 2023