One of the challenging things about running a relatively new company (going on year 3 now) is taking the space and time to create stuff, like this blog. It’s not an excuse, it’s just a point of fact - the same point of fact that all content creators everywhere have to face, day after day.

Indeed, I want to hold myself more accountable around content creation, especially since that’s my business. It’s how I make money and is what brings me joy. The content can always be better and the grass is always greener for sure - but look for more stuff from me moving forward.

One workflow tip I’m going to implement: using this blog space as more of a personal notebook for drafting ideas, thoughts, sketches. A lot of it will be half-baked. There will be mistakes (always). But then I will refine this into the other platforms like LinkedIn, Radical Optimism, and Patreon. Using this space as a notepad and content engine.

Then distributing.

This space is my first step at getting rid of the Resistance (that voice in my head that likes to say I’m not good enough) and growing as an artist and maker from there. What sayest thou?

If you’re reading this - maybe you have some tips. Comment below.

AuthorChris Donaldson