Tomorrow I start what I’m calling (and I ran this by numerous focus groups) the ‘100 Day Writing Challenge’. This is inspired in part by Jerry Seinfeld, who never misses a day.

I think this exercise will accomplish a couple things for me. One thing I face in my writing is the RESISTANCE, that small lizard like creature that sits on my shoulder and whispers sweet annihilations into my ear. Things like ‘You’re not good enough’ or ‘Wouldn’t you rather be folding socks?’ So every day I write consecutively, I’ll be chipping away and shrinking my own lizard brain and self-doubt.

I’ll also be getting in a groove. I’m less worries about quality here, and more worried about just getting it done. Flexing the muscle and getting the reps in. The form does not have to be perfect. Or even close to perfect. But the groove, the deeper it gets, the better it gets.

What counts? For me, it’s working on creative writing, both long-form and scripts. This blog does not count. Social media does not count. Just writing. I’m going for a page a day, minimum. Get your page in.

For you, if you want to partake, it might mean something completely and utterly different: journaling. Or ad copy. Or technical writing. Things that may or may not see the light of day.

Whatever inspires. Whatever makes the lizard smaller.

(Some of the best writing I’ve read lately has been on the side of Oatly cartons)

You in? You want to join me? I could use some accountability partners and someone to break out the cattle prod as needed.

It might be fun. It will definitely be worthwhile. And we’ll have pages to show for it.

Let me know in the comments below.

AuthorChris Donaldson