Oyster Dome, Bellingham WA
George Clooney has a great story. He was moving out to LA and his dad asks him, "Great, but if things don't work out, what's your Plan B?"
To which he replied "I don't have a Plan B. If I did, I'd fall back on it."
When you're the world's most handsome man - this is great advice. For most of the rest of us, a PLAN B is often the real dream we're looking for.
PLAN A = Your Day Job. Maybe you like it, maybe you don't.
PLAN B = Your true passion. This is what you'd be doing if you somehow didn't have all those other obligations you've managed to wrap yourself in.
That's what #FindTheHour is all about (#FTH). It's the beginning, a first step, in the transformation. Making your PLAN B, the thrill of your life, your bread and butter.
For me - it's about getting paid to write more. Yeah, I do okay now, but there is more to be had.
So for 14 days now, I've kept the streak alive of #FTH. The results? I'll get to that in tomorrow's post. Let's just say it's a start. And a heck of a lot more if I hadn't begun #FTH in the first place.