This week we launched a 'concept trailer' for a film we hope to shoot in 2015 called RED TIDE. The trailer's purpose is simple: to attract investors, distribution partners, mentors.
If you're into it, you can check out the trailer here:
Let me know your thoughts.
This one happened fast. A friend of mine, Brian Young, thought we should write a script together. This was back in June.
By August, we had the first readable draft. This was a speed record for me. I really squashed my inner resistance - my inner editor - that usually sits on my shoulder and criticizes every word. Instead, I just wrote. We got it on the page.
By September, we were planning the trailer shoot. October 4th, a great gang of people got together, and we shot this thing. One day = in the can.
Is it exactly the way I want it? No. But it's out there - and next week we take it to the American Film Market to show to the Business. We shall see.
The one big lesson learned (again)?
Not perfection.