Chris Donaldson

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Starting at Zero: the Search for 1000 Fans

There’s the horizon there, off in the distance, glimmering. Where we all have 1000 true fans. Where escape velocity has been achieved and the parade has already started. We hear about this unicorn, running untamed. This goal of 1000 connections has long been a great goal of business, has been a metric we’ve held a ruler to and examined. With 1000 true fans, it’s been said, you can melt entire icebergs and continents with your bare hands.

But most of us (me) aren’t even close. So maybe it starts today, that filling of a blank page. Those connections, built one by one. Not as a transactional goal, but as an emotional one. To truly bring value and mean something special to one another.

To that end, I’m starting a little group called Creative State. This will be a community of people hoping to build this value more deeply in 2023. If you’re into it, and want to learn more, drop me a line. Then, we can discuss what the future looks like.